Borrowing Facility:

This service is being provided for the benefit of our students. The members of the library can borrow books for 15 days. Two borrower tickets will be issued to students and can borrow two books at a time. Ten tickets will be issued to the Faculty and Research Scholars to borrow the books from the library and return them same after 15 days. The users are requested to return the borrowed books to the library on or before the due date to avoid the penalty of overcharge. Students are requested to obtain the NO DUE CERTIFICATE from the library at the end of the Academic Year.

Reference Service:

The Library is extending reference and referral services to the users of the library. Most of the reference-oriented Text books and General books have been kept in reference and active stack area for reference only by the users of the library. Users are going to be informed about the availability of their required books in other libraries.

Books Display Programme:

The Library is being practised as a unique system of making arrangements for BOOKS DISPLAY PROGRAMME IN THE LIBRARY BASED ON IMPORTANT PERSONALITIES, EVENTS, DATES AND ON OTHER RARE OCCASIONS. The Library books on such aspects will be displayed in the library to create awareness among the users about the availability of the various resources.

Book Exhibition:

The newly acquired books to the library will be displayed in the library for the benefit of the users, so that, every user of the library will come to know the different types of documents that the library has procured every year.