Minority Education

Free and compulsory education to all children up to the age fourteen is constitutional commitment in India. The Parliament of India has recently passed Right to Education Act through which education has become fundamental right of all children of age group 6-14 year. The National Policy on Education 1986, updated in 1992 envisages paying greater attention to the education of ... Read More

Library & Lab

Borrowing Facility: This service is being provided for the benefit of our students. The members of the library can borrow books for 15 days. Two borrower tickets will be issued to students and can borrow two books at a time. Ten tickets will be issued to the Faculty and Research Scholars to borrow the books from the library and return ... Read More

Infrastructure and Facilities

We expect the students of Sumaiya Education Society’s H & T College of Education, to grow and develop into the most competent and skillful professionals and entrepreneurs. To enable this, we provide all the essential facilities that our students will need. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure includes fully equipped lecture halls, an excellent computer lab equipped with the latest IT tools, a ... Read More